Sunday, January 27, 2013

Possible Fruit Bowl Films Logos

After our test shoot we tried out several logos for our production company Fruit Bowl Films:

Unfortunately in this one the bottom of the banana is cut off, and the hands holding the oranges may look a little strange considering the rest of the fruit isn't being held. However, the use of a plum as a nose makes it look more like a face.

This logo only has one fruit in, but sums up the feeling of our company as well as it's independence. However some of the 'o' has been cut off.

This logo is very simple, as well as cheery and memorable. Unfortunately the 'F' of Fruit has been obscured by the positioning of the orange.

4.  Two members of our group are featured in this logo, and it emphasizes the quirky and funny theme that would run through the films we'd produce.

5. Unfortunately this logo is a little blurry, and the background is a little blurry.

6.  This logo features an actual fruit bowl as well as a greater range of fruit, but the framing is assymmetrical.

7. This logo doesn't feature any real fruit, and is a little childish and whimsical, but prehaps a little 2D compared to the others.

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