Friday, February 22, 2013

Re-Shoot - 18/2/13

In this post, we talk about how effective and efficient our re-shoot was:

Bright and early, we made our way up to Primrose Hill for our re-shoot. Based on our feedback, our re-shoot was more like another real-shoot as we re-shot our whole opening sequence. This time, we planned our shoot even more than our previous shoot so that we could get everything done in the most efficient way.
When we arrived on the hill, the sunrise wasn't as amazing as it had previously been on the other shoots, but the lighting was still similar to that of our real shoot, and so it will be possible to use footage from both that shoot and the re-shoot without it looking odd continuity-wise. We asked for our actors (Torin and Jess) to come a little later so that we could get the initial vlogging bits done with minimal interruptions. This was quite easy to do and we weren't too concerned about this aspect of the opening sequence because the footage we already had looked really good and so we will probably use that.

When the two actors arrived, Jess was wearing a different costume, based on the feedback we received from our rough edit. We were told that her clothing was too dark and void of character, so she wore a khaki coat instead of a black coat. Because we had better set-ups in place, we were able to film the conversational shots very quickly and the shots still looked really good.

Again, a downside of this shoot was the sunrise and the fact that the visibility was rather poor. We know that we are going to use the sunrise shots from our previous shoots because they looked beautiful, but in some of the shots in our re-shoot, you can see the sunrise in the background, and it is not as impressive as our previous sunrise shots. Hopefully we will be able to improve the look of these shots in the post-production, grading process. 

Overall, we have had lots of fun shooting, and I think we have put a lot of effort into the production process (for example, getting up at half 5 for 4 weekends in a row). Because of this, however, we have managed to get lots of lovely shots which will hopefully make for a beautiful opening sequence. 

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